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Intuition - one of the least understandable phenomena, a mystery for most people. Even among specialists - psychologists and managers disputes about the nature of this phenomenon do not cease.

The meaning of intuition In our society is very underestimated, so the third part of the series "Personal effectiveness" is devoted to intuition. From the article you will learn how intuition contributes to the adoption of exact decisions, helps to reduce the number of errors, clarify the range of issues that can not be determined rationally.

Various data indicate that the absolute majority of political and business leaders take into account the existence of the so-called vision. Where does it come from, what motivates us to act, not from our own experience or logic, but from another, incomprehensible to us?

The vision is irrational, it does not lend itself to logic, but outstanding leaders, in the first place, trust it and with it connect their success.

Irrational (Latin "irrationalis" - "unreasonable") is something that can not be comprehended by reason, which clearly does not obey the laws of logic. The founders of the world's largest companies, the brightest figures of modern business, have repeatedly talked about this in their books and interviews - for example, Bill Gates (Microsoft Corporation), Steve Jobs (Apple Inc., NeXT, Pixar), Richard Branson (Virgin Group), Ingvar Kamprad (IKEA), Andy Grove (Intel), Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway), Zino Davidoff (Davidoff), etc. Interestingly, people in the top four of this list do not have higher education or received it after Earned their first million. The absence of a diploma did not prevent them from becoming recognized as influential entrepreneurs in the world.

In no case, while encouraging young people to abandon institutions and universities, I want to emphasize that there is a higher (or deeper) level of decision-making, from which insights come, insights, an intuitive understanding of the correctness of the chosen path, etc. Studying the phenomenon of intuition on one's own life experience, Through communication with leaders from different spheres of business, everything converged to the fact that successful decisions were taken spontaneously, through a vision, a flair.

At the same time, irrationality, which is characterized by the adoption of important decisions, does not eliminate the need for logic: based on intuitive feelings, rational choices need to be made - how to realize an intuitive vision in life, here one can not do without professional knowledge and personal maturity. Sometimes the intuition prompted by the decision is made instantly, but for its implementation, it can take years of hard work - action based on professional knowledge and skills.

"The real value is, in essence, only intuition!"
Albert Einstein

Trust your intuition is very important

Some experts even the last world crisis attributed to the fact that people have entrusted the adoption of important decisions to the computer - the computer. The computer program analyzes past events, and then, based on these data, creates forecasts about the future demand for securities, goods. But the past never repeats itself! The program can not notice "weak signals", "implicit signs", etc., but does not own intuitive knowledge by definition.

Crisis (in the world, in the company, in life) is always an effect. To find a wise solution, you need to look for the cause and eliminate it. The reason often lies in the mistake of the leader himself. Anyone can be mistaken - an expert, an adviser, and an expert, but the person who accepted it is responsible for the erroneous decision made.

According to experts, annually the amount of information in the world is quadrupled! And how often do we update our knowledge?

Students in higher education institutions continue to learn from old textbooks, practice on old equipment (if at all they are allowed to do real work), use old standards ... The crisis demanded a revision of all "luggage" - models of organization, habitual way of life, values.

Why do people achieve victory or are they defeated?

The reason is always in us. In fact, we learned whether or not to listen to our inner voice and use the latest achievements of technology for the practical implementation of his tips.

Answering the question, how would he characterize the era in which we live, the "father" of modern management Peter Drucker said:

"In a few hundred years, when the history of our time will be described as a distant past, it is very likely that the most important, according to historians of the future, will be recognized not the development of technology, not the Internet and not electronic commerce, but an unprecedented change in the conditions of human existence. For the first time - without exaggeration - a significant and rapidly growing number of people had a choice. For the first time, they have to manage their own lives independently. "

What is intuition?

From Latin, this word can be translated as "inner (secret) action" - knowledge of the consequences. This vision is the vision of things as they are, without distortion under the influence of one's own/other's judgments or conjectures.

The basis of "Sixth sense"As is often called intuition, the ability of a person to analyze personal experience, observation (including observation of one's thoughts), the ability to concentrate attention, to realize one's own feelings and trust them.

If intuition is a vision of the future, how does it arise? Is it available to all? How often does it appear?

Intuition is a natural knowledge of a person, covering all spheres of his activity, not conditioned by the experience or position of others. Through intuition, we learn the reality of "here and now."
When such information appears, we often find it difficult to compare it with reality, especially since it often contradicts our experience or knowledge. As a result, we often not only do not accept "inner clues" as a guide to action but also take opposite actions. As a rule, our "crushed" by the stereotypes consciousness easily finds a reason - why it is necessary to act differently, As the soul dictates.

Daniel Kahneman (Daniel Kahneman), the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, paid special attention to intuition, considering it a key factor in the actions of leaders. He singled out the main characteristics of the intuitive decision-making model:

  1. High speed, liveliness in comparison with the relative slowness of rational thinking processes.
  2. A simultaneous and complete vision of the problem or situation.
  3. Automatism, uncontrollability of processes of intuitive work.
  4. Ease of manifestation, lack of effort.
  5. The associative nature of intuition, as opposed to rational decision-making, which is guided by rules and norms.
  6. Slow learning - the accumulation or "maturation" of the ability to internal vision.

Every time we have to make choices, move forward, retreat or avoid, intuition tells us what actions to take. A person always has a variety of behaviors in different situations: not all are equivalent, but one can always find the optimum. It is in these cases that the intuition "works" most often - it prompts the desired option. But are we always following her advice?

Unfortunately, often managers are limited to choosing from learned, "proven practices" solutions that led to success sometime in the past. But the situation has changed, therefore, by choosing past decisions, we ourselves are depriving ourselves of a better future of opportunity to manifest.

In general, the intuitive approach should be implemented as follows:

  1. The appearance of the image. The image appears instantly. Never appears at a time when a person is thinking about a problem. Very convincing - does not require proof and justification: reality is like that.
  2. The image appears somewhere from the body - "manifested from within."
  3. Rational thinking is included at the stage of comprehension, detailing, the embodiment of the image. Logic never works to deny an image.
  4. Razio monitors the implementation of the chosen strategy.

The process of the emergence of the image through which intuition "expresses itself" is called insight in psychology ("insight") - a sudden understanding, "catching" of the relationship and structure of the problem situation and "understanding" of the answer.

Inside - this is the opposite of the logical solution of the problem, here the logic "does not work": the brain does not seek a solution to the problem, but it comes to the person.

The frequency of insights is individual - some people are very familiar with this phenomenon, others are less likely, and others are not at all receptive to the prompts of the unconscious.

Where are the most important manifestations of intuition? In what situations should she be trusted? And should everyone pay attention to what the "inner voice" suggests?

Listening to intuition is worth all and everywhere, and it is especially important where:

  • Solutions are difficult to find in a rational way (as a rule, they go beyond the life experience of a person);
  • Intuition suggests potential benefits (in a transaction, project, business start-up, etc.);
  • It is necessary to find a way out of the crisis, to solve a complex, difficult, very important problem for a person;
  • It is necessary to make a fateful choice (partner, co-worker, life partner, friend/foe, etc.);
  • It is important to assess the prospects/threats when there is a lack of reliable information.

A successful leader is equally skilled in using his analytical abilities, and in "exploiting" hidden reserves of the psyche. Trust in your own intuition allows you to take advantage of undisclosed opportunities and potential, and professionalism - to get maximum benefit by realizing the prospects opened.


Babenko Nikolay - in 2000 he graduated from Kiev International University (jurisprudence); In 2008 - Kiev-Mohyla Business School (MBA); In 2010 - St. Petersburg State University (psychology).

The main stages of the career: 1997 - lawyer, 1998 - deputy commercial director, 1999 - commercial director of LLC "COOP-INVEST-CENTER". Since 2000, co-founder, Chairman of the Board of PA "Agrocom", since 2003 - General Director of LLC "Eurocorp modern feeding". In 2009, he was elected vice-president of the Association "Ukrainian Association of Soybean Producers and Processors" and headed the DP "Center for Improving Efficiency in Livestock", and since 2011 - General Director of the Center for Enhancing Efficiency in Livestock.


Center for Improvement animal breeding Ltd - commercial organization for the introduction of scientific and technological progress and information technology in agriculture. Sphere of activity - support of livestock enterprises in matters of increasing profitability of production, optimizing technology and processes, developing and implementing innovative solutions. The characteristic features of the business are innovation, a professional approach to the analysis of situations and the search for optimal solutions. The number of employees is more than 20 people.